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Social Business Demands Culture Change



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Today’s HR teams are responsible for a wide variety of tasks that are a critical to an organization’s success. HR Managers discover new talent, mitigate potential risk and, most importantly, are responsible for creating a corporate culture. Today’s internal HR teams need to be connected to the broader community in order to gauge employee happiness, discover potential organizational issues and evolve corporate values. Tink Tank empowers HR teams by offering simple ways to search job specific discussions, gain insight to changes in the market and stay on top of premier talent. With Tink Tank, HR Teams can connect with current and future employees. = Setting-up lists and groups of employee Social accounts to monitor.
=Profiling and analyzing potential candidates social activity and behavior.
=Leveraging social channels to promote company culture and attract candidates.
=Creating an employee forum to encourage internal collaboration and communication between teams. The impact of Social on your business goes well beyond marketing and PR, it touches every part of the organizations. Brands need a comprehensive solution that facilitates collaboration and teamwork. Tink Tank provides an enterprise- wide solution which allows brands to have a unified global voice and brand without compromising on local optimization. Tink Tank can help you get your message to the right audience. = Multi-channel, multi-function and multi- division support for engagement, reporting and monitoring.
= Optimize outbound content workflow through coordination, scheduling and message approval.
= Create templates for global application deployment.
= Get a holistic view of performance and integrate with your existing web analytics platforms.
= Access securely from your desktop or mobile device.
= Centrally manage all digital assets.

Human Resources
